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Join a Community of

Modern-Day Ruth and Naomi

Mentorship & Coaching for Ministers Wives



I'm Dr. Norma

Meet Dr. Norma McLauchlin, the First Lady of New Life Bible Church and CEO of Norma McLauchlin Ministries. This society was established as a result of a longstanding burden regarding ministers' mates. While serving as a minister's mate, herself, for more than 40 years, Dr. McLauchlin went through a number of 'growing pains' which allow her to identify with the needs and desires of other ministers’ mates.  The overall purpose of Minister's Mate Society is to ensure that ministers’ mates are fully equipped not only to support their minister and families in the ministry but to also glorify God in their own calling and giftedness (Titus 2:3-5).

Married for 48 Years

25 Years of Ministry Experience.

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Lady Ruth

Lady Ruth represents women who are married 5 or less years to a minister of the gospel. She is young in her matrimonial years and she cherishes the heart of her husband, even while still getting to know him. She honors him, encourages him, and treasures him. She chooses to build him up instead of tear him down. She pushes him to be all that God has called him to be. However, Modern-Day Ruth understands that she can not be the helpmate that her husband needs with a strategy and direction, without mentorship.


Saying goodbye to my beautiful room from the First Ministers Mates Retreat. Thank you for this dream come true opportunity.  Blessings Beyond Measure
I hope you had a memorable Birthday celebration.

First Lady Delrita Parks

Sometimes there are things you don’t know you are in despite need of until the need is met. I had no idea of what to expect from this particular weekend retreat, but it truly changed my life

Minister Nicole Smith Daniels

From the sessions to workshops, workbooks, the journaling, homework assignments, the round tables discussions, the different stations, to the one-on-one prayer room, this was a retreat like none other.

Minister Carol Hairston

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1420 Hoke Loop Road

Fayetteville, North Carolina 28314, USA

Tel: 910-818-6652   |

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